Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Hello from Edmonton, the snow is melting!!!‏

Hello Everyone,
This week in Edmonton has been a lot of fun to say the least and my prayers have finally been answered yes... the snow is melting! i saw grass for the first time this week, ok it was dead, but still! it's a miracle! the lawns are still covered with three feet of snow but all the side walks and road are pretty much clear! hallelujah! Along with that the weather is fabulous.... i noticed the sun as we were standing at someone's door waiting for them to answer as the sun warmed the back of my calves, it was glorious! i'm so jealous to hear that the family has been in pheonix and am really thinking of moving there after finishing school, i was not made for the cold! haha
Anywho, some fun things that happened this week...
So i told you all about our investigator Tim... we knocked on his door looking for someone else but he ended up taking the lessons too! He cancelled our second appointment and when we went back for our rescheduled appointment he was stoned... so that was awkward and i am totally at a loss of what to do! i feel super uncomfortable to be at his place but apparently the other sisters say teaching people on drugs is normal? bizarre! i'll just keep praying...
Everything ysa ward wise has been fun we were called in to go down to the institute campus this week and run "waffle wednesday" where the missionaries make and serve waffles for whoever wants them from 11am to 1pm and it was super fun. i mett a lot of cool people but dang having five waffle makers going at once is hectic! definitely something i will never forget :P
This week we had a dinner appointment which is greatly appreciated for all of you who don't have the missionaries over very often it is so hard to not have dinner appointments regularly, money wise and time wise! so we went over to lanny and tara's place and they were such a sweet young newly married couple. lanny has recently joined the church and sister burgi was apart of his teaching process! we've been teaching the memebers this week the importance and blessings of prophets and how without prophets we would not have the church of jesus christ of latter day saints today! The Book of Mormon and Bible testify that it's through prophets the Lord and God do his work on earth and i know that our church has the living prophet on the earth today President Thomas S. Monson!!!
District Meeting this thursday was fun, i made my home made eatmore bars for Elder Nichols (from bay area california) 20th Birthday! They loved them and were gone in seconds! we went to tony romas after for lunch which seems to be the elder's favourite haha it's just so nice to socialize for a bit and talk about randomness!
My favourite part of this week however was... GENERAL CONFERENCE!!!! It was amazing to say the least. this year i decided to go with a question in mind and prayed everyday that i would be prepared to hear the voice of the prophets seers and revelators. My question was based on how i could help others and myself gain a stronger testimony. It's something that we all need right that personal testimony but how do i as a missionary develop it and help others to develop that personal witness? I LOVED the talks from Elder Bednar about how revelation comes like light from a light switch or sometimes as the sun rise, gradual! i also loved the talk from a member of the seventy talking about BECOMING a saint rather than doing things that saints would do. To be honest i really felt like all the talks were for me but i know they can apply to everyone on the earth too hehehe. I encourage you if you missed any of the sessions to go on to lds.org and watch them, you will never be the same, the spirit is so powerful!
So other than that i'm loving spring... looking forward to easter! i only have i think 16 more days till transfers and my companion sister burgi will be leaving us. because i'm so new i'll proabably be staying in the ysa ward which is good news for me because i'm finding out that change for me is really stressful! haha well stay strong everyone and let us be like christ and invite all around us to hear his message at church! thanks for being so supportive and i've received many letters and emails of love! i just found out that anyone can email me but i'll have to write those who arn't family members which works out. keep updating the blog and let me know if you get my letters and pictures! :D
love you all!
love sister wotherspoon

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